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Messo mo Nai
(Seven Orifices)
Genre :
Sortie en 2024 - Statut : Terminée
Dernier épisode : 1x08 - A été diffusé le 05/06/2024
7 huge holes suddenly appear in locations around Japan. The holes appear in random places like in the sky, in the middle of a road, in a field, or in the middle of the city. Citizens are confused about the holes, and different investigations are carried out about the holes, but the true nature of the holes remains known. As time goes by, people begin to live with these holes. Many people go into the holes, but nobody has returned from the holes. Then, a man named Ozawa appears who worships the holes as a god. He insists that salvation can be found in the hole. Eight people who are followers of Ozawa gather at a resort facility. The eight people are Kawabata, Sugaya, Matsuoka, Aoyama, Watanabe, Shingo, Iguchi, and Okamoto. Following Ozawa's rule, they must talk about why they want to go and record themselves before they enter the hole.
Casting :
怒れない川端 :
思い出す菅谷 :
田舎暮らしの松岡 :
帰国生の青山 :
取り返しがつかない渡邊 :
Suite du casting

Cette fiche a été vue 258 fois depuis le 31/05/2024
Dernière mise à jour de cette fiche le 08/06/2024 à 16:35
Dernière modification manuelle de cette fiche le 01/06/2024 à 15:49 par Caféine - Historique des modifications