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The Lying Game
Précédent  1x17 Suivant
No Country for Young Love
Diffusé le : 13/02/2012
Ethan is still a wanted man in hiding with Sutton, leaving Emma to worry if justice - and love - will prevail. Discouraged by Dan's inability to crack the case, Emma takes it upon herself to find a way to vindicate Ethan. With the help of Mads and Thayer, they search for any lead that may help prove Ethan's innocence. Meanwhile, Ethan and Sutton's time alone in hiding together has lowered Ethan's guard. Sutton uses the opportunity to encourage Ethan to bond with his estranged father, looking to heal her relationship with him at the same time. And Alec questions Rebecca's motives after she agitates Ted and Kristin by offering Laurel the opportunity to produce a music demo. (
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7.1 / 10
(3 votes)
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