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The Bill
Précédent  19x71 Suivant
The Law Of The Jungle
Diffusé le : 04/09/2003
DS Phil Hunter has PC Nick Klein in his clutches again when he forces Klein and PC Tait to lie to Acting DI Samanatha Nixon about the circumstances of Jim Conrad's injuries. When Matthew Easton's brother dies after taking his drugs, Easton attacks his dealer, and both are arrested. When DC Eva Sharpe sees the dealer at the station, she realises her bad-boy lover Tyler may have compromised her, and she admits all to Nixon. Supt. Okaro is determined to nail property developer Charles Vanderbilt before he can get planning approval for the flat redevelopment. His officers nearly succeed in getting Carol Evans and Sandra Yorke to testify, but DC Danny Glaze and Okaro have a lucky break when they arrest Vanderbilt on Customs and Immigration charges when he ""imports"" prostitutes and drugs from Eastern Europe on his private plane. Sgt. June Ackland goes ahead with the sting operation on the internet dating burgler, but is shocked when Laura Meadows arrives at Sun Hill to report that she has be (
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