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The Bill
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Boomerang: Part 2
Diffusé le : 29/05/2003
PC Luke Ashton is first on the scene of a horrific car crash, but is shocked to hear a familiar voice when his backup arrives - Sun Hill's new sergeant: Dale Smith. Smith takes a huge risk when he and Luke rescue a boy trapped in the car, a fact which does not escape the notice of Insp. Gina Gold, who is already well aware of Smiffy's reputation from his last posting to Sun Hill. Linking the boy and the car to a local gay nightclub, Smiffy believes the club is pimping underage rent boys, but his brusque manner sees a complaint brought up against him by the club's owner. PC Tony Stamp tries to do a good deed and convinces PC Jim Carver to invite Sgt. June Ackland to his wedding, but he underestimates June's feelings for Jim. Things aren't looking good for Patrick Murphy after the Garda in Dublin supply DS Debbie McAllister details of his form for assault, but Murphy is bailed due to lack of evidence. When one of PC Des Taviner's young snouts finds Murphy's wallet and cab in a warehouse, (
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