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The Bill
Précédent  15x30 Suivant
Diffusé le : 11/05/1999
It's Jim Carver's first day back in uniform, and he puts up with some good-natured ribbing from his new colleagues. Paired with P.C. Luke Ashton, they are called to the Canley Arms Hotel, where the landlord has been brutally attacked and robbed. When D.C. Rod Skase and Carver's replacement, D.C. Danny Glaze, arrive to investigate, Carver can't help putting his detective skills back to work - while following a lead on the case, he gets into trouble with Sgt. Boyden when he leaves Ashton dealing with a gang of teenage shoplifters on his own. Forensic evidence points to the Baker brothers, and Carver's persistence pays off when he finds out the location of the missing brother, Mark Baker. (
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