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The Bill
Précédent  6x12 Suivant
Blood Sucker
Diffusé le : 08/02/1990
Susanne and Ken investigate a domestic. The wife says she fell down stairs initially. Neighbour keeps interrupting. The wife owes money. The husband is suspected of slashing tyres. The wife's child benefit book was taken by the money lender. Munro talks to Cathy about regular updates of clear-up figures. Dave voices his opinion of battered women. The calculators he has been selling are wonky. Not only does he have to refund the buyers but the money he got initially he has to put into Brownlow's charity box. Brownlow asks about the money lender and states he would like to nick him as he is the money man behind a lot of crime. Ken and Susanne find the husband in the money lender's shop, having been hit by the putter Roach warned the money lender would be considered an offensive weapon. (
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