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I'm Nobody, Who Are You?
Diffusé le : 10/04/1990
CAPSULE: Resentment grows between the "haves" (the Steadmans) and the "have nots" (Gary and Susannah). Gary has put aside his ambivalence and is taking a job teaching Modern American Poetry. On the night before his first day on the job, Emma comes down with a fever and a terrible whooping cough. Frantic, Gary annd Susannah call up the Steadmans in the middle of the night. Hope tells them Emma probably has croup. The couple take the baby to the emergency room, where she's diagnosed with--croup. The bill comes to $704.75. Neither parent has insurance. In the morning Gary is reluctant to go to work but Susannah insists. Susannah is very reluctant to depend on Hope for help, but she calls her over anyway. Hope arrives with a humidifier and food. When she recommends their pediatrician, Susannah replies that they can't afford him. Hope talks to Ellyn and Michael about Gary and Susannah--are they really poor? Michael has been discussing a real estate deal with Miles, and he proposes investing (
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