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Mystery Science Theater 3000
Précédent  10x08 Suivant
Final Justice
Diffusé le : 20/06/1999
Movie Plot: A Texas sheriff runs amok in Malta after a mobster who killed his partner. Intro: Servo ponders if the owner of a lonely heart is really better than the owner of a broken heart. Segment One: In Castle Forrester, Pearl, Brain Guy, and Bobo demonstrate how to put humor into the workplace. Segment Two: The crew tries to complain to Pearl about the repetition in the movie by making Mike trip multiple times. Segment Three: Goosio visits the SOL as a goodwill ambassador, but the 'bots kill it. Segment Four: Crow delivers a speech about Maltese men. Segment Five: Since Joel escaped after a Joe Don Baker movie, Mike assumes its his turn. He's really just sitting in the water heater. The 'bots comfort him. In Castle Forrester, Pearl and Bobo are demonstrating "funny dress-up day" to improve workplace morale. Pearl is dressed up in wacky colors, Bobo dresses as Joe Don Baker from the movie. Brain Guy appears in leather biker gear, but informs them that it isn't for dress-up. Original film made in 1985. (
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