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Mystery Science Theater 3000
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Quest of the Delta Knights
Diffusé le : 26/09/1998
Movie Plot: The Delta Knights search for the lost cave of Archimedes. Intro: Gypsy is repairing Crow, leaving Servo and Mike with a loaner. Servo and Mike are happy, because the temp Crow has a radio. Segment One: Pearl switches places with Mike to test how miserable the movie watching really is. Segment Two: Despite the 'bots pleas for her to stay, Pearl switches back with Mike, who was enjoying a boys night out with Bobo and Brain Guy in the Castle. Segment Three: The Tom Servo choir performs the classic ""Air on a Delta Knight"" song Segment Four: Leonardo DaVinci visits on the hexfield. Segment Five: The Delta Knights are holding their annual pancake breakfast in Castle Forrester. Stinger: It's the "I'm Coming!" guy. Original film made in 1993. (
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