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Mystery Science Theater 3000
Précédent  8x04 Suivant
The Deadly Mantis
Diffusé le : 22/02/1997
Movie Plot: After being exposed to atomic radiation, a giant Praying Mantis attacks the North Pole. On the SOL: Mike and Crow upset Servo by not participating in casual day / the Crew holds a memorial service for Pearl, who then calls to tell them that she is angry and she will pursue them to the bitter end / Crow is eaten by an alien that was brought on board the SOL / the Crew gets a letter from Dr. Peanut, who survived the blast and is now in Wisconsin. On Ape Earth: Pearl, Bobo, and Dr. Peanut accidentally (with help from Mike) detonate a bomb that destroys the planet / Pearl has survived and, with Bobo, she will hunt down the SOL across space. Stinger: The corporal goes for a little stroll. Original film made in 1957. (
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