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Mystery Science Theater 3000
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Moon Zero Two
Diffusé le : 30/01/1990
Movie Plot: In the future, on the moon, an astronaut is hired by a millionaire to capture an asteroid made of sapphire. Intro: Joel explains the show's premise. Segment One: The Mads invent "Celebrity Mouth-to-Mouth Toothpaste", where celebrities throw up on your brush. Segment Two: Joel and the 'bots present a skit about the history of the space program. Segment Three: Joel plays "Rock 'em-Sock 'em Robots" with Servo and Crow as they discuss games of the future. Segment Four: Servo and Crow fight over the women in the movie. Segment Five: The 'bots give a good thing/bad thing about the movie. Gypsy thinks that Richard Basehart is the best thing in the movie. Original film made in 1969. (
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