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Murphy Brown
Précédent  10x22 Suivant
Never Can Say Goodbye (2)
Diffusé le : 18/05/1998
Jim seeks some career advice from Mike Wallace. Mike tells him he is boring and has lost his spark. Murphy begins her interview with God, who tells her she must make the best of the gifts she has been given. The surgery uncovers the abnormality was just a cyst, Murphy can go on with her life. The gang is happy for her, but unsure what to do with themselves without Murphy as a part of FYI. Frank and Julia finally get together and arrange a date. Jim prepares to leave and Murphy returns to the office. She is ready to tell everyone that she's changed her mind, when they all mention what they have in the works for their careers. Murphy confesses her selfishness, but mentions that she doesn't want to leave. After a group hug, they all get together to reminisce on memories of the past. At the end of the day, Murphy returns to her townhouse. Ten years later, Eldin makes the same entrance back into her life. Seems Avery used his mother's Sprint card to track Eldin down. Eldin proposes marriage (
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