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(Les Nomades du futur)
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The Electro-Net
Diffusé le : 07/05/1999
In the middle of the red desert a furious Tao stands before a burning effigy of himself. Unguarded, the Beast's trailer looms behind. Noah and Arushka enter it and begin the first of many risky sorties to access the power they will need to bring back the wondrous collection of animals that will fill the magnificent landscape that is Haven. When the mission is accomplished, it is time for Noah to leave but Tao's tightened security will make this the most dangerous attempt of all for Noah. Ferris, fleeing from an unexpected meeting with Dolly and her new-born puppies, is captured by an equally nervous Savage and Rork. They gather up the puppies and head to the Keep with Ferris where Tao is demonstrating the Electronets — his latest weapon in his war against the Nomads and now the animals as well. Using this distraction to his advantage, Noah sneaks into the mine but is himself a victim of the Electronet. Tao has finally captured Noah, who still a little stunned yet still refuses to talk. But Tao has Dolly's puppies, and unless Noah co-operates, he will harm them with the Electronet! (
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