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Unmarked Grave
Diffusé le : 18/08/1956
On a stage heading for Dodge Sheriff Darcy has a heart attack while guarding a murderer, Blackie. Mrs. Randolph is looking for her son Whitey. Matt tells her he was shot by a deputy two years ago. Darcy brings the kid in to Matt. He shot the cashier in a bank robbery in Caldwell. Mrs. Randolph fawns over the kid. Tasca Sloan and his gang, who the kid rode with, ride into town. Matt takes the kid to the Dodge House. Randolph tries vainly to try to help the kid escape. In the morning Blackie breaks a window to let Tasca know where he is. Matt heads for the train with Blackie. Mrs. Randolph follows. Tasca shoots Blackie. Matt shoots Tasca. Matt's wounded. The rest of the gang bite the dust. Mrs. Randolph tells Matt she was wrong. (
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