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General Hospital
Précédent  40x10 Suivant
01.15.03 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 15/01/2003
Preview: Gia worries when she spots Zander in trouble. Recap: Under interrogation, Ric continues to stubbornly deny that he saw either Brenda or Jason anywhere near Alcazar's hotel room. Coleman catches Skye with a flask and warns her not to come to the courthouse tanked up. Jax storms over to Sonny's penthouse after discovering that Brenda has gone missing. Lucky and Summer begin to cement their blossoming friendship. Gia spots Zander buying drugs on the docks. A.J. and Skye find themselves forced to rely on Coleman's natural cunning once more as their original scheme begins to unravel. At the precinct house, Sonny commends Ric for clamming up. Maxie cautions Georgie that Lucas will never see her as anything but a pal or a kid sister. Lucky confides to Summer how his mom's breakdown has had an enormous impact on his father as well. Embarrassed when Lucas wonders who she's pining for, Georgie claims she has a crush on Nikolas. Ric is released from custody and returns to Kelly's, where (
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