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General Hospital
Précédent  40x05 Suivant
01.08.03 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 08/01/2003
Preview: Jordan tells Summer why she was arrested. Recap: Ric presses Carly to use her influence with his client to persuade Jason to break his silence and testify on his own behalf at the murder trial. Jason returns home to find Brenda in the middle of fixing breakfast, after spending the night with a grinning Jax in his apartment. Through his newly hired Private Detective, A.J. learns that Courtney is no longer sleeping in their apartment. Lucky and Summer are hauled down to the precinct house, where Scott informs young Mr. Spencer that his new friend is a common hooker. A shaken Skye reminds Coleman why they must shoulder some of the blame for Ida's death, and he denies any involvement, saying it wasn't their fault she commited suicide. With Elizabeth listening close by A.J. instructs his private detective to stick to Courtney like glue. Brenda announces to Jax and Jason that she's decided to have herself hypnotized in hopes that it will help find Alcazar's real killer. Although she (
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