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General Hospital
Précédent  40x03 Suivant
01.06.03 - Monday
Diffusé le : 06/01/2003
Preview: Sonny confides in Brenda his plans to investigate Alcazar. Recap: Scott meets Summer for the first time and is struck by her resemblance to Laura. Marcus prevents Gia from throwing the videotape into the water, then forces her to hand over the evidence. A bristling Carly warns Alexis she will not be allowed to sacrifice Jason. Meanwhile, Jason tells Courtney why he won't testify against Brenda. Summer is grateful when Lucky intervenes to end her encounter with the district attorney. Sonny urges Brenda to trust in his ability to take care of her. Carly slaps Alexis hard across the face, then threatens to totally dismantle the attorney's life if she dares to lift a finger to hurt Jason. Gia cautions her brother that Scott is using him to further his own career and political ambitions. Cameron engages his patient in a game of poker as they discuss Luke's attempt to recreate his life with Laura by employing Summer. Jax offers to generously compensate Scott if he'll agree to frame (
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