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General Hospital
Précédent  39x244 Suivant
12.11.02 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 11/12/2002
Preview: Ric advises Sonny that Sonny's not about to help him. Recap: Alexis snaps at Cameron for allowing Felicia to touch Kristina while the baby is still so fragile. Jason regretfully explains to Courtney why his bogus marriage to Brenda has to last a while longer. Scott and Marcus confront Ric at Kelly's and accuse him of stealing evidence from the D.A.'s office pertaining to the Alcazar murder investigation. Sonny reminds Brenda that he still cares about her and wants her to be happy, and she concurs that she still cares about him. Carly's quick thinking prevents Scott from finding the tape, as Ric goes willing with Scott and Taggert after realizing she has the evidence. Courtney assures Jason she can be patient until they're free to be together again. Luke scours the docks for Summer, who finally reappears but denies that she was accosted by an undercover cop on the previous night. Confused by the fact that no one else seems to be able to see Summer, Luke begins to wonder if his (
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