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General Hospital
Précédent  39x114 Suivant
06.10.02 - Monday
Diffusé le : 10/06/2002
Preview:Jason spies on Zander. Recap:Appalled to find her daughter waiting tables at Kelly's, Janine urges Courtney to cut her losses and dump A.J. Ned admits to Jax how frustrated he feels with Kristina and her equally aggravating sister. Meanwhile, Alexis tries to break big news to the father of her unborn child but clams up when Carly gleefully makes it clear that she and Sonny have just been to bed together. A.J. hits Jax up for a loan but balks at accepting the strings attached to the agreement,which include leaving Port Charles and his sister and wife behind for good. Zander asks Elizabeth out for a night of dinner and dancing to celebrate his newfound freedom from Sonny. Carly annoys Alexis with her unsolicited advice. Jason warns Sonny that Zander sold him out to Roscoe and says Roscoe has been taken care of. Wary of Zander's sudden wealth, Elizabeth turns down his invitation. A.J. is touched when Courtney turns a dumpy studio apartment into a cozy nest for the newlyweds. Alexi (
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