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General Hospital
Précédent  39x91 Suivant
05.08.02 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 08/05/2002
Preview:Alexis searches for clues. Recap:Hoping to help his sister, Luke gets Bobbie out of the house while Maxie and Felicia take care of Michael for her. Bobbie is grateful for Luke's concern but insists that her daughter is still alive. Lucky decides that it's best for him to stay clear of both Elizabeth and Sarah for the time being. However, when he runs into Sarah at the gym, he can't help himself and kisses her. Later, Elizabeth and Sarah talk about their relationship but Elizabeth stuns Sarah when she reveals that she wouldn't be able to handle it if Sarah became involved with Lucky. Zander gives Alexis the bad news when he confirms that Carly saw Sonny in bed with Alexis the night of her car accident. Alexis starts frantically searching Carly's office for clues but then falls apart in Jax's arms when he catches her there. Going over Carly's steps from the night of the accident, Sonny refuses to believe that she could be dead and is emotionally drained as he considers what Carly (
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