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General Hospital
Précédent  39x34 Suivant
02.18.02 - Monday
Diffusé le : 18/02/2002
Recap:Luke disapproves of Laura putting herself in danger to rescue him alone. Jennifer amuses Laura when she remains intent upon holding Luke to his marriage promise, and Luke pulls Laura into a kiss after she frees Luke from Jennifer's restraints. AJ overwhelms Courtney with movie videos and boxes of beautiful clothes to while away her time in hiding. Kristina decides to save her sister from Sonny. Later at the gym, Kristina asks Carly if she wants to get back together with Sonny. Jax warns Alexis to sever all ties with Sonny, and he informs Alexis that he intends to bring Sonny down for threatening Skye. Meanwhile, Carly appears interested in celebrating her divorce with Zander, and she fumes when Zander rejects her proposals. Zander remains certain that Sonny continues to haunt Carly's thoughts and heart, and Sonny confuses Zander when he approaches him about Jax kissing Carly. Jax warns Skye to stay away from Sonny, and Sonny promises retaliation unless Jax backs off and leaves Ca (
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