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General Hospital
Précédent  38x150 Suivant
07.30.01 - Monday
Diffusé le : 30/07/2001
Preview:Stavros woo's Gia with tender kisses. Recap:Carly worked on restoring her relationship with Sonny by promoting a happy future with the addition of a child. Sonny resisted Carly's fantasies and fumed when he discovered that Carly had yet to take a pregnancy test. He reminded her that they were no good for each other and therefore, not good for a baby. Carly tried to convince him that all they needed to do was love each other and the rest would come naturally. Mike calmed Bobbie, who was upset by the possibility of Carly and Sonny eternally united by a child. He advised her not to push Carly to break up with Sonny because she would ultimately push Carly away from her. Taking his advice to heart, Bobbie wished Carly the best when she returned to the Brownstone. Felicia waited for Luke at the club and bonded with Angel. When Angel mentioned her man troubles, Felicia encouraged her to pursue whomever it was that she wanted. Roy recognized Angel as the woman who visited Donny Ellis i (
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