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General Hospital
Précédent  37x208 Suivant
10.18.00 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 18/10/2000
Preview:Sonny and Carly enjoy a play date with Michael. Recap:Sonny fretted over Michael's first day of school. Warmed by his concern over her son, Carly promised to get him through his jitters. As they played in the park, A.J. sauntered over and taunted them about Sonny going to prison. Carly gleefully told him that the charges against Sonny were dropped and she and Sonny were married. Alexis and Ned regretfully left the island behind and Ned worried that Alexis was ready to call off the wedding after their last fiasco. Alexis assured him that she was ready for marriage and all it entailed--as long as she didn't have to change her name. Ned was still insistent that overwhelming the media with their wedding plans would make the furor die down. Florence informed Gia that she called Columbia and knew that Gia hadn't been in school. She wanted to know what her daughter had been doing all summer. Florence yelled at Taggert and Gia for keeping secrets from her. Taggert tried to run interfer (
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