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General Hospital
Précédent  36x186 Suivant
09.20.99 - Monday
Diffusé le : 20/09/1999
Reminding Katherine that marriage would still be the best way to give their child the love and stability it will need. Sonny and Hannah return to the penthouse to find that the feds have turned the place upside down. Meanwhile, Carly unearths Hannah's hidden strongbox and begins prying open the lock. A.J. confides to Alan how happy Carly has made him since their idyllic Hawiian honeymoon. When Alan ruminates about the mistakes he and Monica made early on in their long and tumultuous relationship, A.J. vows to keep his marriage his first priority no matter what. An unwitting Sonny gripes to Hannah about the FBI using illegal and underhanded tactics to strong-arm him. (
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