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General Hospital
Précédent  36x164 Suivant
08.19.99 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 19/08/1999
Following the fiasco at the mansion, Emily wheedles an exasperated Jason to help her convince her mother that she should be allowed to date Juan. Sonny puts on the full court press in an effort to make up for lost time with Hannah. Tony is amazed but grateful when Bobbie offers to let him have a whole afternoon alone with Lucas. Jason finally agrees to speak to Monica on his sister's behalf. Hannah hesitantly lets Sonny know about her visit from Taggert. Monica drops by the penthouse unannounced and is disconcerted to realize that Jason is back in business with Sonny. when Monica asks that he encourage Emily to stay away from Juan, Jason advises his estranged mother not to risk losing another child by alienating her daughter. (
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