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General Hospital
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08.18.99 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 18/08/1999
As Edward, Alan and Monica grumble about being forced to entertain Juan for an evening, Lila orders her family to treat her dinner guest with the proper courtesy and respect. Meanwhile, at Kelly's, Bobbie gives a nervous Juan a pep talk as he steels himself to face a battalion of disapproving Quartermaines. Faison slips into Helena's bedroom at Windemeire and tells her he knows she's been poisoned. Stefan encourages his obviously troubled son to open up to him. Still unable to talk about Katherine y pregnancy, Nikolas instead allows Stefan to believe that he's still suffering pangs of grief over losing Lucky. Juan scores some early points with Edward by assuring the patriarch of Emily's clan that he would like to learn more about the magnificent world of big business. (
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