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General Hospital
Précédent  36x161 Suivant
08.16.99 - Monday
Diffusé le : 16/08/1999
Worried that he's not ready for fatherhood, Nikolas ponders an uncertain future as he sits alone in Lucky boxcar. A.J. presents Carly with an itinerary for their Hawaiin honeymoon. In Rome, Jax stalls Gertrude while Chloe slips out a window and inches her way along the ledge towards Neds room. Eager to catch her niece's husband in bed with Mrs. Jax, Gertrude barges in and sputters to see Ned lying next to Chloe. Though Carly wonders aloud if the timing is right for a vacation trip, A.J. explains how he's anxious to make amends for his earlier neglect. After Gertrude finally sails off to her own suite, Alexis crawls out of her hiding place and reminds Ned and Chloe that they can't afford any more close calls. (
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