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General Hospital
Précédent  36x136 Suivant
07.12.99 - Monday
Diffusé le : 12/07/1999
Luke and Felicia are alarmed to suddenly find themselves trapped in the Quartermaine crypt. Carly bursts into tears when Jason arrives at the mansion to bid Michael goodbye. Mac and Marcus pay an unscheduled call at the Corinthos penthouse. Meanwhile, Sonny asks Hannah why she's been lying to him for weeks about her ex-boyfriend. Touched by the obvious affection Jax's parents feel for him, Alexis agrees to postpone the annulment until after her new in-laws leave town. Sitting with Michael in the rose garden, Jason explains to the child why he can t come to see him ever again. Fighting back tears, Jason swears to Michael he will love him forever. When Hannah refuses to answer his questions, Sonny issues an ultimatum and warns the young woman that he never forgives a betrayal. (
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