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General Hospital
Précédent  36x135 Suivant
07.09.99 - Friday
Diffusé le : 09/07/1999
Jax and Alexis prepare to stage a public spat as a prelude to their imminent divorce. Meanwhile, Lila corners Ned and chloe and demands the truth about their bogus engagement. Tammy lets it slip to Sonny that the guy he shoved through the front window of Kelly's had been sniffing around Eannah several times before that night. After examining the evidence, Tony tells Luke and Felicia one of the skulls they 'borrowed' came from a young adult male who almost certainly died from a blow to the head. chloe explains to Lila how her greedy Aunt Gertrude has forced her to abide by the terms of Herbert's will. Jason comes to a difficult decision concerning Michael. (
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