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General Hospital
Précédent  36x134 Suivant
07.08.99 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 08/07/1999
A sneering Stefan offers Alexis his less than hearty congratulations on her marriage to Jasper Jax. Bobbie presents Tony with the game ball Lucas earned with his winning home run. Luke enters into another wary business arrangement with 'Herr Krieg'. Meanwhile, Felicia asks Mac if they have anything to fear from the 'late' Cesar Faison. Mindful of the strides her ex has made in recent months, Bobbie tells a grateful Tony she's willing to try letting him have a new visitation schedule with their son. when Katherine accuses her of monopolizing Nikolas' time, Elizabeth icily advises the jealous woman to mind her own business. Alexis informs stefan she wed Jax for her own reasons which have nothing at all to do with the Cassadine estate. (
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