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General Hospital
Précédent  36x133 Suivant
07.07.99 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 07/07/1999
Lila explains to Carly how meeting Edward changed the course of her entire life. Emily and Elizabeth ponder how to finagle their way into Jake's for the only Port Charles appearance of 98 Degrees. As Alexis prepares to move into Jax's guest bedroom, Chloe warns the newlyweds that her Aunt Gertrude will be keeping an eagle eye out for any proof that their marriage is a sham. Jason cautions Sonny that the more he pushes Juan away the harder the boy will fight to stay close. Meanwhile, Hannah admits to Tammy how it scared her to see Sonny so out of control the other night. Juan convinces Emily to go behind her brother's back and drop Jason's name to gain entrance to Jake's. (
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