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General Hospital
Précédent  36x132 Suivant
07.06.99 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 06/07/1999
Ned and Chloe announce their engagement to the rest of the Quartermaine clan. Outraged, Edward reminds Ned why marrying a cousin is out of the question but Chloe informs him that she and her betrothed are not related by blood. Meanwhile, A.J. bitterly accuses Ned of trying to upstage him in his first week as CEO. Juan invokes Sonny's name to protect himself from his latest victims after they strenuously object to being Scammed out of a chunk of cash. Faison learns that Helena is scheduled to be released from the hospital by the end of the day. Bobbie suggests to Laura that Stefan's apparent devotion to his stricken mother seems extremely odd in light of their long and stormy history. (
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