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General Hospital
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#7650 - 30th Anniversary Special
Diffusé le : 01/04/1993
On his 30th anniversary at the hospital, Steve feels he hasn't contributed to the hospital lately because he's now an administrator, not a doctor. Secretly, the staff plans a surprise party to show him their appreciation. Steve runs into Angie Costello, his very first patient at G.H. They reminisce (via flashbacks) to when he treated her as a teenager following a car accident that left her face horribly disfigured. Angie thanks Steve for his support years ago. Scott interviews potential surrogate mothers, but none meet his expectations. Lucy gets upset when Scott flippitantly asks Amy if she would consider the job. Bobbie breaks into Ryan's office to copy his address book. Steve catches Bobbie in the act but covers for her when Ryan comes by. G.H. staff and P.C. residents surprise Steve with the party, where he feels appreciated. Fugitives Mac and Felicia watch news coverage of the party, wishing they were home. (
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