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Last Comic Standing
Précédent  1x06 Suivant
You Can't Beat Dat
Diffusé le : 08/07/2003
The comics talk about Dat Phan and how they want to vote him off. Their mission is to create their own sitcom idea. Then, a focus group will decide which is funniest. The winner gets immunity and a walk-on role on Good Morning, Miami. The comics play hide and seek. The other comics pretend to hide, then they meet back in the livingroom and laugh about Dat. After 45 minutes, Dat finally gives up hiding, and finds all the other comics laughing. The focus group decides Dat is the winner, he gets immunity and the walk-on. The night before the show down, Cory is blamed for helping Dat with his sitcom idea (because Dat was marked). The comics celebrate Ralphie's birthday. His girlfriend shows up and some special chefs prepare sushi. Rob is challenged by the most comics, and chooses to go up against Ralphie. Ralphie wins, and Rob is off the show. (
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