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Last Comic Standing
Précédent  1x05 Suivant
Rats! (Literally and figuratively)
Diffusé le : 01/07/2003
Tess shoots her Extra segment. The comics find a rat in their house. Dave attempts to catch it. After many hours, Dave catches the rat and they set it free. The contest for this episode is to give tickets to people in an attempt to get the most people to come to the show. The person with the most people showing up gets immunity. Tess, again, wins immunity and a Beverly Hills shopping spree. Tere, crying, says Cory has upset her. Tere talks to Dat about her feelings toward Cory, but Tere ends up irritated at Dat. The day before the vote, the comics plot on who to vote out next. Tere is challenged by five people. She gets to choose one of the people that voted for her to go head-to-head against. Tere chooses to go up against Cory. Cory wins and Tere is voted off the show. (
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