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The Daily Show
Précédent  29x93 Suivant
Sasheer Zamata
Diffusé le : 12/09/2024
Jordan Klepper looks at how Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris is sending right-wing politicians and commentators into a panic, why MTG feels threatened by Trump's new 9/11 conspiracy theorist friend, and how Joe Biden befriended a Trump supporter. Plus, Michael Kosta joins Jordan on a unity ticket. John Leguizamo looks at the latest way Republicans are trying to suppress the Latino vote, which also happens to be a way to make people think Latinos aren't really American. Here's what the SAVE Act does and why it has conservatives asking their housekeepers for translation help. Comedian and actor Sasheer Zamata talks to Jordan Klepper about her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in the new Disney+ series "Agatha All Along." She describes the experience of having to sing in front of her co-star, Broadway legend Patti LuPone, how all the research she did into witches for her first stand-up special also prepared her for this role, and drafts her ideal coven of witches. (
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