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The Daily Show
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Brittney Cooper & Rebecca Traister
Diffusé le : 15/08/2024
With Republican strategists begging Trump to stop the insults and focus on the issues, Desi Lydic watches his "intellectual" speech on economic policy — which inevitably goes off the rails into a rant about Joe Biden's ice cream choices, Kamala Harris's laugh, and the problem with Tic Tacs. Plus, Troy Iwata on why Tic Tacs really do explain inflation. "We have to believe in things that we have not seen before in order to bring them about." Rebecca Traister, New York Magazine writer-at-large and author of "Good and Mad," and Brittney Cooper, Rutgers University professor and author of "Eloquent Rage," join Desi Lydic to discuss channeling anger as well as faith surrounding the election to motivate action. They talk about the unreasonable expectations that come with Kamala Harris breaking down firsts in her presidential campaign, how the Right portrayed their views of women at the RNC, and how Tim Walz can solve America's daddy issues. (
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