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The Daily Show
Précédent  29x74 Suivant
Pete Buttigieg
Diffusé le : 29/07/2024
Jon Stewart tackles Joe Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race, new presumptive nominee Kamala Harris, and the reactions on both sides, from a re-energized Democratic party to flailing Republicans' flimsy coup claims. Plus, Josh Johnson on the right's new strategic talking points against Harris, which range from sexist all the way to racist. "What's the point of having a conversation if you're not speaking to people who don't already agree with you?" Pete Buttigieg talks to Jon Stewart about why he goes on Fox News, the significance of President Joe Biden stepping aside to make room for Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democratic nominee, the possibility of being vetted for vice president, and his thoughts on Trump's own VP pick, JD Vance. (
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