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The Daily Show
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Peter S. Goodman
Diffusé le : 25/06/2024
Michael Kosta reports on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's prison release, Alex Jones's shameless cash grab as his conspiracy network Infowars shutters, and a new Surgeon General advisory warning against, uh, gun violence? Plus, China one-upped America's lunar landing by visiting the far side of the moon, and Josh Johnson shares some advice on how the U.S. can reassert its supremacy. "Consumers are not going to save us from the vulnerabilities of the global supply chain. It's going to take regulation, it's going to take labor mobilization." Peter S. Goodman, New York Times global economics correspondent and author of "How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain," joins Michael Kosta to discuss American business and consumer reliance on a rickety supply chain, the need for anti-trust enforcement, and creating a more resilient supply chain that's not just optimized for big box retailers and investors. (
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