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The Daily Show
Précédent  29x63 Suivant
Ebon Moss-Bachrach
Diffusé le : 20/06/2024
Ronny Chieng & Desi Lydic dive into Vladimir Putin & Kim Jong-un's lively boys trip in North Korea, the climate protester attack on Stonehenge and Taylor Swift's private jet, and Louisiana's new bill blurring the lines of church and state. Plus, Michael Kosta stops by to evaluate whether Republicans can handle the moral standards of the Ten Commandments. Emmy Award-winning actor Ebon Moss-Bachrach joins Desi Lydic and Ronny Chieng to talk about his character's evolution on the upcoming season of "The Bear." They discuss how he gets a chance to mouth off as Cousin Richie, his chemistry with the cast, and how he's preparing for his role as The Thing in Marvel's upcoming "Fantastic Four." (
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