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Rave Master
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Diffusé le : 21/09/2002
Sieg Hart vows to protect Elie and the vastly limitless creative and destructive power of Etherion. With their combined strength, Haru, Elie, Musica, Let, and Sieg Hart manage to cause the Oracion Six to flee. Griff is able to regenerate, making Elie happy. Sieg Hart explains that the coordinates on Elie's left arm will assist on the collection of the remaining Rave Stones as well as the restoration of her memory. It is revealed that the name of the Shadow Master is Lucia Raregroove, the son of Gale "King" Raregroove. While Lucia was in prison for ten years, he obtained power, knowledge, and information regarding everything correlating to the Rave Stones and the Shadow Stones. Sieg Hart says that Haru must gather all five Rave Stones and combine them all, with Elie using the power of Etherion. Using the coordinates on her arm, the group heads north. Once there, they are surrounded by a forest. A skeleton appears in front of Elie, which traumatizes her. (
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