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Rave Master
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Le secret de la race des dragons
Diffusé le : 31/08/2002
The result of the ritual transforms Let into a human being, forfeiting the dragon body. Jegan reveals that Julia, Let's love interest, performed the same ritual in the past, however she transformed into a dragon, forfeiting the human mind. In a flasback, Let witnesses Julia's death and the destruction of the Dragon Village caused by Jegan. Jegan, who has the ability to absorb energy and manipulate plant life, explains that Julia's death in the past was illusive. After Julia believed that she was abandoned by Let, she turn to Jegan for comfort and support. A year later, Jegan and Julia returned to the village, and the ritual was perform for Julia. However, it was then that she turned into a dragon, rather than a human being. In the present, Jegan merges Let in a tree, using Yggdrassil, causing his defeat. Meanwhile, Berial uses G-Earth to demonstrate his earth manipulation to Haru. Julius uses Armure D'Etoile to demonstrate his ice manipulation to Elie, Plue, Griff, and Ruby. Reina uses Silver Claimer to demonstrates her silver-contolling/manipulating abilities to Musica. (
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