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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  1x25 Suivant
Une nouvelle année
Diffusé le : 31/03/2010
Sawako and Kazehaya continue talking while they walk. She begins to say she'll try harder this year so people will like her, but he interrupts and says they already do. They visit the shrine and go to pick out fortunes. Sawako is distressed by getting a "Bad Luck" slip, so Kazehaya gives her his- "Very Good Luck". She reads the part pertaining to love and realizes it could be talking about Kazehaya. They continue home, taking the path she walks to school. Kazehaya stops at one corner, and reminisces that he met Sawako for the first time at that spot. She's surprised he remembers, but has also been thinking the same thing. They continue home, each internally realizing their love for each other, but neither acting on it. They part, leaving the impression they will be together this year. (
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