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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  1x24 Suivant
Diffusé le : 24/03/2010
Sawako and Kazehaya walk to the shrine silently. They finally look at each other after Kazehaya saves her before she falls down the stairs at the shrine. They are about to continue their awkward silence until Chizuru, Ayane, and Ryuu (who are also stealthily at the shrine) call Kazehaya to apologize for not coming along. The two go to get hot drinks at a stand and Kazehaya admits he normally doesn't like the drink, but this time he does because Sawako does. She's excited over getting to see his first time at something, but he lists several of his first times that relate to her (like wearing the stomach band). They exchange phone emails and Kazehaya realizes Sawako's birthday is that day. She tells him about her childhood as they walk, up until the present, then realizes she had always been alone until she met him. (
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