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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  1x23 Suivant
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Diffusé le : 17/03/2010
It's the last day of class before winter break. Sawako worries that she won't see her friends until classes start again. She reluctantly says goodbye to Kazehaya then goes out to eat with Ayane and Chizuru. They find out her birthday is on New Year's Eve and tell her about their plans to go to the shrine that day with Ryuu, inviting her as well. She finds out she can go, so her friends convince her to call Kazehaya and invite him as well. He agrees to come. On New Year's Eve, Chizuru and Ayane come to Sawako's house. Their present to her is to make her look really cute for Kazehaya. They style her hair and put on a little makeup and head out for the shrine. Before they arrive, Chizuru and Ayane leave, telling Sawako Ryuu actually isn't coming either. She continues alone, meeting Kazehaya. He is astonished by her extra-cuteness and they continue to the shrine. She reflects on her happiness to spend her birthday with him. (
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