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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  1x22 Suivant
Diffusé le : 10/03/2010
Chizuru and Ryuu are back on good terms and everyone is eagerly anticipating Christmas. Their class is going to hold a party and Kazehaya asks Sawako to come. She really wants to, but thinks of her parents. Traditionally, her family spends all day celebrating, so she would feel badly about leaving them. She decides not to go to the party, but makes gifts for Chizuru and Ayane. She also makes a hat for Kazehaya, though she knows she won't have the nerve to give it to him. On Christmas Eve, she spends the day with her parents. Her dad is especially enthusiastic and ends up taking the hat Sawako made, thinking it was for him. She doesn't have the heart to correct him. Later that night, she gets a call from her friends at the party asking her to come. She becomes very distraught, so her mom takes the call instead. Her dad calls her over and gives her his present for her- a cellphone. He lets her go to the party and realizes she is growing up. Sawako runs there, but everyone has left. Only Kazehaya has been waiting for her out in the snow. (
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