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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  1x21 Suivant
Première neige
Diffusé le : 03/03/2010
School continues and Chizuru looks refreshed but still ignores Ryuu. While walking home with Sawako and Ayane, they discuss what Chizuru would say to Tooru, Ryuu's older brother if he was to return. Then Tooru actually shows up and tells the girls that he's going to steal Chizuru. The two of them walk together, as Tooru talks about his memories with Chizuru when they were younger. At the end of their walk Chizuru confesses her feelings for Tooru, only have to Tooru says that he likes her too, but as a little sister. They part, and when Tooru returns home Ryuu greets him and gives him bread from the other day the Chizuru left. Ryuu then goes to find Chizuru at docks where she was the last time they played with Tooru before he moved out. There Chizuru realizes that it was Ryuu that called Tooru to come and visit her and asks Ryuu to comfort her, and they embrace. (
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