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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  1x20 Suivant
Diffusé le : 24/02/2010
Ryuu's brother leaves, he tells Ryuu to tell Chizuru to show up next time. Later Chizuru heads over to give Ryuu her present, where Ryuu states that she was late and he hopes that Chizuru will finally get over his brother, she gets angry and throws his present at him. Sawako and Ayane are grief stricken with worry about Chizuru since they can't do anything about the situation. Kazehaya shows up and explains to them that its good that Chizuru has them, and that she has them to worry and care for her. In class Chizuru ignores Ryuu, they eventually run into each other where Chizuru asks what he meant last night when he said that she was late. Eventually he shows that he wanted Chizuru to get rejected in order for her to finally get over his brother, Chizuru is upset that he thought the only reason she came over the other night was just to see his brother and leaves. Ayane and Sawako find her, where she eventually breaks down and tells them about how angry she is at Ryuu, not knowing that he is listening and then leaves, Chizuru continues saying what pissed her off the most was how she treated Ryuu. The three girls then go out and enjoy the rest of the day. (
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