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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  1x18 Suivant
L'amour de Chizuru
Diffusé le : 10/02/2010
Sawako is happy about her growing relationships with her friends and Kazehaya. Ayane, however, complains about her clingy boyfriend, while Chizuru is in a good mood because she anticipates something at New Year's, which is more than a month away. Chizuru and Sawako go out to pick a present for Ryuu's birthday, and Sawako is sure by the affection Chizuru shows for him that Chizuru loves Ryuu. However, she finds out that Chizuru actually loves Ryuu's older brother. The next time everyone is in school together, it is found out that Ayane dumped her boyfriend. Amid the talk about broken hearts, Ryuu leaves the room and is encouraged by Kazehaya. Later, at Chizuru's house, Ryuu comes into her room unexpectedly. He appears to be about to confess to Chizuru when she notices that she left his present lying out in plain sight. She therefore forces Ryuu to leave, and he ends up going home in the rain. (
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