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Kimi ni todoke
(Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Précédent  1x17 Suivant
Jour de repos
Diffusé le : 03/02/2010
Ayane and Chizuru visit Sawako's house and, despite appearing disreputable at first, impress her parents by being "such nice girls". Meanwhile, Kazehaya and Ryuu are together when Kazehaya gets a call from Pin. Pin explains that he met Sawako the previous night, and now thinks he is possessed because he doesn't feel good. The truth is that Sawako noticed he was catching a cold, and gave him advice on how to prevent it, although he misunderstood. Pin insists that Kazehaya bring Sawako to him right away. Kazehaya, Ryuu, Sawako, Ayane and Chizuru all end up at Pin's filthy apartment and realize he only has a cold. They spend the rest of the day cleaning for him. They leave at night and Kazehaya ends up walking Sawako home. Thanks to a prank played by Pin, the two of them almost kissed under the stars. (
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